Thursday, March 20, 2008

Volume 7,342 in the WTF?!? Chronicles

(Ed. Note: Methinks we've given up on this blog, but I'm out of grad school now and I need to keep my writing sharp. Kidding! I just need a place to vent.)

I was shopping online today (side note- is it pathetic that I think of simply doing some shopping- but never actually buying anything- as a reward for good behavior on par with drinking a whole 6-pack of Coors Light or, like, eating an entire chocolate cake?) and I was reminded of something that irritates the fuck out of me. (Side note #2- there are a lot of things that irritate the fuck out of me, including the movie "What About Bob?" and Hot Wings flavored Doritos.)

Steve Madden- maker of medium-cheap trendy shoes that miraculously fit my fat sausage feet- appear to hold their shoe-style-naming meetings immediately after smoking copious amounts of marijuana. Nothing has anything to do with the style it refers to, and everything has 2 or 3 extraneous letters. I'm not kidding:

Uh huh, yep, that shoe is called the "Bleekerr." It gets better:

It's the Optimom! Optimus Prime's slutty mother!

There's also the "Sirprise," the "Croshage" (Ed. note: wtf?), the "Honoluu," OMG I could seriously go on for days.

So, yeah. That bugs me. That is all.

Okay, just one more;

It's Flyish! Not really fly, just flyish! You know, for those days when you want something kinda fly and kinda not-fly.

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